希希里的圆圆,勇杰,Gina, 濠濠和我在这次夏令营里当了三个礼拜的buddy。在这个三个礼拜里,我们和国外的交换生去了各个地方游玩,一起上课和相处。虽然过程发生了意想不到的问题,不难免有摩擦,不过我希望希希们的感情不会被影响。辛苦慧慧了!连续几个星期都陪伴着我们!
Among the CCs, Gareth, Eddy, Gina, Shi Hao and me was helping throughout the programme for 3 weeks. In these weeks, the students and us traveled to different landmarks and attended the classes together. Although some unexpected cases happened, but I hope CC's friendship will not be harmed.
在此奉上照片!Pictures are here!
[用手机的请进这里传送门 Link]
After the closing ceremony, we were pulled by Wai Wai to accompany 4 Japanese students to Melaka.
[用手机的请进这里传送门 Link]
后记 : 真的很累人!Post-Programme Thought : Very tiring.
P/S : 给学弟和学妹倒数一个星期!:)
P/S : 7 Days to go for juniors! :)
Monday, August 25, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
菜鸟攻略 A Guide to Newbies
UPU's result was released at 12th of August. Greetings to every KK10 newbies. Administrator here would like to share some information about KK10.
十宿是位于在马大的山坡上,邻於八宿。在电脑科学与资讯科技学院上课的童鞋们有福啦!十宿是超靠近你们的课室的!十宿主要的建筑物是一个主楼和四栋宿舍。在主楼里的底层有咖啡厅(目前只有一个马来小炒档口),音乐室(没开放),开放大厅,杂货店,复印店,两间会议室和活动空间,而一楼有学习室(冷气),然后二楼是办公室和会议室。十宿内的宿舍被命名为A, B, C 和 D. 目前A不开放的, C和D是女生宿舍,和B是男生的。底层到第二层是双人房和第三层是三人房,而第二和第三层是有阳台的。每层有24间房,每间房间里备有床,枕头,储物柜(记得自带锁头和铁链哦!),桌子,两盏白炽灯和一把风伞。在晚上,对着马路方向的房间都很凉快,甚至可以在睡觉时不开风扇。厕所方面呢,每层会有一间公厕,每间各有4个坐厕,1一个蹲厕和5间冲凉房(一间备有热水)。在每层的中间会有一台热水机,所以童鞋们在早上泡茶时就不必头痛啦!然后每栋楼的底层也会有茶水间,里面有冰箱和电磁炉供煮食。 上网方面呢就不必担心。十宿的网络是特别调教过,全部宿舍里最快的!
KK10 is situated on a hill of UM, beside KK8. To those who will be studying in Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology will be very happy because KK10 is surprisingly near to your faculty! KK10 is composed by a main building and 4 hostel buildings. At the ground floor of the main building, there is a cafe (only a malay stall available, selling "satu pinggan selera" type of food), music room (not open), open hall, mini market, photocopy store, 2 meeting rooms and an activity room called as "Muroh Hall". The first floor has a study room, while the second floor has office and meeting room. The hostel buildings in KK10 is named as A, B, C and D. Block A is currently closed, block C and D are female block and B is for male. In the building, from the ground floor to second floor, the rooms are double room, while for the third floor, the rooms are triple room. There is a shared balcony for rooms at second and third floor. Every floor has 24 rooms. Every room is equipped with bed, pillow, cupboard(remember to bring your lock and steel chain), table, 2 fluorescent light and a fan. At night, those rooms that face the road are very cool, not even need to switch on the fan when you sleep. For toilet, every floor has a shared toilet. In the toilet, there are 4 sit-type toilet bowls, 1 squat type toilet bowl and 5 bathrooms (1 has water heater). At the middle of every floor, there is a water dispenser. No worries if you want to make tea in the morning! There is also a pantry for every building at the ground floor. It comes with refrigerator and magnetic cooker. In terms of internet, you don't have to worry about that. KK10's internet is specially tuned, so the speed is the fastest among the KKs.
KK10 is mainly for international students, therefore the local students are fewer compared to other KKs. But this allows you to become activity committee easier, this is also why there are so few members in CC. :( At here, you will be able to know many exchange students (mainly from China), so when you are going to visit their country, you could ask them to help you! The main activities in KK10 are MGS (Annual dinner), Chinese New Year Celeberation (Organised by ISC. If you are interested, you can be one of the committee!), and more!
希希们等着你们的加入哦!We are looking forward to see you!
十宿地图 KK10 Map : (大张的请按我 For full resolution)
在此奉上十宿的一些照片。Here are some KK10 photos.
P/S :至于马大的攻略呢,童鞋请加入这里,然后在"Files"里面(电脑版才有哦!)查找。
P/S : For UM guide, please join here, search for it in the "Files" tab (Only available in computer version).
UPU's result was released at 12th of August. Greetings to every KK10 newbies. Administrator here would like to share some information about KK10.
十宿是位于在马大的山坡上,邻於八宿。在电脑科学与资讯科技学院上课的童鞋们有福啦!十宿是超靠近你们的课室的!十宿主要的建筑物是一个主楼和四栋宿舍。在主楼里的底层有咖啡厅(目前只有一个马来小炒档口),音乐室(没开放),开放大厅,杂货店,复印店,两间会议室和活动空间,而一楼有学习室(冷气),然后二楼是办公室和会议室。十宿内的宿舍被命名为A, B, C 和 D. 目前A不开放的, C和D是女生宿舍,和B是男生的。底层到第二层是双人房和第三层是三人房,而第二和第三层是有阳台的。每层有24间房,每间房间里备有床,枕头,储物柜(记得自带锁头和铁链哦!),桌子,两盏白炽灯和一把风伞。在晚上,对着马路方向的房间都很凉快,甚至可以在睡觉时不开风扇。厕所方面呢,每层会有一间公厕,每间各有4个坐厕,1一个蹲厕和5间冲凉房(一间备有热水)。在每层的中间会有一台热水机,所以童鞋们在早上泡茶时就不必头痛啦!然后每栋楼的底层也会有茶水间,里面有冰箱和电磁炉供煮食。 上网方面呢就不必担心。十宿的网络是特别调教过,全部宿舍里最快的!
KK10 is situated on a hill of UM, beside KK8. To those who will be studying in Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology will be very happy because KK10 is surprisingly near to your faculty! KK10 is composed by a main building and 4 hostel buildings. At the ground floor of the main building, there is a cafe (only a malay stall available, selling "satu pinggan selera" type of food), music room (not open), open hall, mini market, photocopy store, 2 meeting rooms and an activity room called as "Muroh Hall". The first floor has a study room, while the second floor has office and meeting room. The hostel buildings in KK10 is named as A, B, C and D. Block A is currently closed, block C and D are female block and B is for male. In the building, from the ground floor to second floor, the rooms are double room, while for the third floor, the rooms are triple room. There is a shared balcony for rooms at second and third floor. Every floor has 24 rooms. Every room is equipped with bed, pillow, cupboard(remember to bring your lock and steel chain), table, 2 fluorescent light and a fan. At night, those rooms that face the road are very cool, not even need to switch on the fan when you sleep. For toilet, every floor has a shared toilet. In the toilet, there are 4 sit-type toilet bowls, 1 squat type toilet bowl and 5 bathrooms (1 has water heater). At the middle of every floor, there is a water dispenser. No worries if you want to make tea in the morning! There is also a pantry for every building at the ground floor. It comes with refrigerator and magnetic cooker. In terms of internet, you don't have to worry about that. KK10's internet is specially tuned, so the speed is the fastest among the KKs.
KK10 is mainly for international students, therefore the local students are fewer compared to other KKs. But this allows you to become activity committee easier, this is also why there are so few members in CC. :( At here, you will be able to know many exchange students (mainly from China), so when you are going to visit their country, you could ask them to help you! The main activities in KK10 are MGS (Annual dinner), Chinese New Year Celeberation (Organised by ISC. If you are interested, you can be one of the committee!), and more!
希希们等着你们的加入哦!We are looking forward to see you!
十宿地图 KK10 Map : (大张的请按我 For full resolution)
在此奉上十宿的一些照片。Here are some KK10 photos.
P/S :至于马大的攻略呢,童鞋请加入这里,然后在"Files"里面(电脑版才有哦!)查找。
P/S : For UM guide, please join here, search for it in the "Files" tab (Only available in computer version).
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